Tá Percy Péacóg cuthail. Ní maith leis aird, ach tá rud amháin, mór álainn, ildaite ag baint le Percy a tharraingníonn go leor airde air!
Ní maith le Percy Péacóg nuair a bhíonn daoine ag féachaint air. Ach is deacair gan féachaint air, uaireanta…
Percy Peacock is shy. He doesn’t like being noticed.
But there’s one big, beautiful, attention-grabbing thing about Percy that makes it very hard NOT to notice him…
An adorable story about a quiet little bird with a big brave heart – and a pretty impressive tail.
Shortlisted Gradam Réics Carló 2019
Selected : Bratislava Biennale of Illustration (BIB) 2019