Emma is depressed and miserable. She misses London and the fun of being a girl chess champion there. When she goes online to find herself someone to play chess with, she signs herself depressed@drumshee
To her surprise she gets an email back from a boy in Australia who says:
‘”Drumshee! My great-great-grandfather came from a place called Drumshee.”’
Emma’s father is a computer programmer so when Bruce’s father, a bank official, is accused of a theft involving the transfer of bank funds by computer Emma turns to her father for help.
About the author.
Cora Harrison, a primary school teacher and principal for many years has a Diploma in Language and Reading Development.
Author of over 20 books, from beginner readers (Dragonfly Series), Irish language, young novels (Drumshee Series), teenage (Jane Austen series) and adult (Burren Mysteries) as well as one of the Chimp series and a new London Murder Mystery series. Check out her website on www.coraharrison.com for worksheets on her books.