Farid’s Rickshaw Ride – Farid’s cousin is visiting from Ireland! In preparation, Farid journeys around Dhaka to collect flowers, fish and blankets. On the way, the rickshaw puller shares some of his experiences which give insight into life outside the city and prove helpful to Farid in his errands. But an accident brings home how quickly life can change- and a surprise visit shows Farid that there are other links between Ireland and Bangladesh.
This book is available in big book and small book format – please see prices below. Packs of 30 story books available on loan from Trócaire.
Global Thinking Research Report – Children’s Global Thinking. Research investigating the engagement of 7 – 9 year old children with critical literacy and global citizenship education.
See https://www.trocaire.org/sites/default/files/resources/edu/globalthinkingresearchreport.pdf