Scéal draíochtúil an amhráin Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht, ón gcéad uair a canadh go poiblí é, anuas go dtí an lá inniu, agus é ar eolas
ag daoine ar fud na cruinne ina dteanga féin.
CD san áireamh de phríomhamhránaí Gugalaí Gug!, Caitlín Ní Chualáin.
Millions of people in the world can finish the lyrics to this beautiful and beloved Christmas carol in their own language. From the lives of its poor and downtrodden creators, to how this glorious composition went on to transcend classes and cultures, the history of the song Stille Nacht/Silent Night/Oíche Chiúin is one worth celebrating. Complete with the song lyrics, this lushly illustrated and beautifully told story explains how the popular Christmas carol “Silent Night, Holy Night” was written and put to music. An embodiment of peace, love, and the spirit of Christmas itself, this picture book is the perfect resource for anyone who has wondered where this heartwarming song originated.